Figurative bust sculpture


"what do I say"
Air dry clay, wood, pastel. 
3" x 10"

With the evolution of technology it seems as though peoples in person communication skills have withered. At times it almost feels like people can only talk over the phone. The man in this piece is in distress the blue water is representative of the words he would like to speak but they fall to the ground. He cant get what he wants to say out. The hollowness of his head shows that his head is becoming more and more empty of the things that matter like in person human interaction. 

Air dry clay, wood,black paint. 
8" x 12" x 4"

Eye contact is one of the most important indicators in body language. The way someone looks at you or does not can change a whole conversation or the feeling of it. The eyes on this sculpture are looking in different directions which is representative of what a lot of people's eyes do when they are nervous during conversations. When eye contact is not clear, communication can become broken and issues cannot be resolved ultimately harming that person or persons which is why the man has a spear in his head. 



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